The Dwight Hammond Reservoir (known as Hammond Pond) is a Land Trust holding that includes fee title to the 67-acre Dwight Hammond Reservoir located at the foot of Mount Eddy. The holding also includes a small strip of forest land located between the pond and Dale Creek Road. This property — which is located between the Hammond Ranch and Lakewood Ranch Estates subdivisions — was donated to the Land Trust. Access to both the Hammond Pond area and Lakewood Estates is via private roads. The only access to Hammond Pond from a public road is from Old Stage Road. Dale Creek Road is a private road and is not an option for accessing Hammond Pond.
The pond provides irrigation water to landowners in the upper Shasta River watershed. Besides capturing runoff from its small watershed, water is diverted into the pond via an open ditch from the North Fork of the Sacramento River during the summer months. The pond fills most years, but not all. Water levels are managed by the Hammond Reservoir Irrigation Association, and not by the Land Trust.
Conservation Values. The Hammond Pond provides scenic, wildlife, and wetland values. The pond is a stop-over for migrating Canada geese, while the last several years have seen sand hill cranes use the area for nesting and raising young cranes. Bear, deer, eagles, osprey, and river otter have been sited using the pond.
Access to the pond is via private roads, so there is no general public access.
Role of the Land Trust. The land trust monitors this holding and provides stewardship as needed. For example, a shaded fuel-break has been created along Dale Creek Road, and periodic maintenance activities are being conducted.