“I support Siskiyou Land Trust because it feeds my heart.” ~ Jan Cowan
Monthly Donors – an Essential, Steadfast Piece of SLT
Siskiyou Land Trust would like to shout out to a very special segment of our broader conservation community – our monthly donors.
SLT currently has over 30 monthly donors and they are an essential, steadfast piece of our organization. Our goal is to grow this community. Every donation, no matter the size, strengthens our mission and brings us one step closer to a healthier, more vibrant natural world.
Friend of SLT, Jan Cowan, has been a monthly donor for over 10 years now – the sum of her regular donations is remarkable! A big thank you to Jan and all our monthly donors for helping the Land Trust permanently protect the wild and working places we hold so dearly.
Join Jan and consider feeding your heart by becoming a monthly donor yourself! Regular contributions are one way to show up for conservation in Siskiyou County. Set up monthly giving, beginning today using the link below!
Together, we can create a community where nature thrives, and future generations can revel in the beauty of our protected lands.
Siskiyou Land Trust Donations | Siskiyou Land Trust | DonationPay
Wild for Experience: An Online Auction Benefiting Conservation in Siskiyou County
June 12 – June 19, 2025
Mark your calendars for this exciting new Siskiyou Land Trust event!
Siskiyou Land Trust has aligned its fundraising efforts and conservation values to create an event that honors your time, financial contributions, and the planet. For SLT’s first experience auction, you can look forward to:
- An entirely online event!
- Auction packages that are all curated experiences – no clutter or unneeded items, just memories to make while you support conservation.
- Packages include exclusive nature-focused experiences such as guided hikes and eco tours on conserved lands not otherwise open to the public, outdoor adventure packages, one of a kind culinary experiences, and more!
- 100% of the proceeds will support Siskiyou Land Trust’s continuing mission to permanently conserve and steward the irreplaceable wild places, watersheds, and working lands that are the heart of Siskiyou County.
Reach out to Fund Development Coordinator, emilywilliamson@siskiyoulandtrust.org for information
Compost Bin Rebuild at the SLT Garden
Saturday, March 29, 2025 10am-1pm
Call for Volunteers! Join Siskiyou Land Trust and CA Climate Action Corps fellows at the SLT Garden on March 29 from 10am-1pm to learn and help transform our compost bin into a 3-bin system. We’ll need some extra hands on deck to assemble it. Tools will be provided but volunteers are welcome to bring their own if preferred. Volunteers are invited to help us build, or are free to sit back, observe, and absorb the process.
Our goal is to revamp the current compost bin to bring it back to function. We would like to create a space where community members can bring their food scraps to be processed into compost, especially if they’re not able to compost at home.
Volunteers will be assisting in leveling ground, cutting wood, and assembling pieces to bring the compost area back to life. For those who aren’t as physically able, they can observe, learn and give encouraging support.

We hope to see you!
Pollinator Garden Planting Work Days
Ongoing – Tuesdays 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Call for Volunteers!
Siskiyou Land Trust (SLT) has received a grant from Point Blue Conservation Science’s Roots Program to enhance and restore wildlife habitat. The Roots Program supports community-based restoration efforts on farms, ranches, and working landscapes across California, all aimed at fostering wildlife resilience and combating climate change. Funded through a $26 million grant from the California Wildlife Conservation Board, this initiative is backed by the expertise of STRAW (Students and Teachers Restoring A Watershed) Program staff and Working Lands Partner Biologists. Read our Winter newsletter article for additional details about this grant.
To date, grant activities have included CEQA filing, purchasing over 1,000 native plants and seeds, several dozen wildlife habitat structures, and starting plantings at the SLT Garden Greenway. Plant installation will occur across two SLT fee title properties and four landowner partners’ Conservation Easements. We’ve already begun planting at the SLT Garden Greenway, located at 522 E. Alma Street in Mount Shasta, with support from SLT staff, the California Climate Action Corps, and volunteer Steve Suttel.
We invite you to join us for our weekly planting days on Tuesdays from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm (weather permitting). It’s a great opportunity to get involved, and the more hands, the better!
If you’re interested in volunteering on Tuesdays or would like to be added to an email list to learn about additional future days, please email laurabradley@siskiyoulandtrust.org to sign up or express your interest.
We’re excited to collaborate with landowner partners to restore these vital habitats and look forward to your involvement! A couple hours of your time can help plant many native plants that are beneficial to pollinators such as native bees, butterflies as well as birds!
Birds in Focus: A Recap of Recent SLT Nature Walks
Need a refresh and something to feel good about? There are good things happening at Siskiyou Land Trust in partnership with the Mt Shasta Area Audubon Society! Join us for a nature walk and enjoy seeing some of the birds that have been spotted on our recent trips.
January: Lake Shastina, Weed, CA
An incredible day of birding with over 60 species spotted!
- Birders enjoying sunshine at Lake Shastina
- Green-winged Teal (Barbara Peck)
- Immature Bald Eagle with fish (Steve Huckabone)
February: Turtle Bay Bird Sanctuary, Redding, CA
Thank you to everyone who came birding with SLT for our joint birding trip with Mt Shasta Area Audubon, led by trip leaders Joey Russell, Steve Huckabone, Gretchen Framel, and Laura Bradley. The Turtle Bay Bird Sanctuary was very flooded! We enjoyed connecting with nature and each other on a warm day. Blue skies, water, and birds were abundant. 41 species were observed and numerous photos were taken by Steve Huckabone, some shared here.
- Birding at Sundial Bridge
- Anna’s Hummingbird
- Bald Eagle
- Acorn Woodpecker
- Peregrine Falcon
- Oak Titmouse
- Barrows Goldeneye
- Nuttall’s Woodpecker
March: Shasta Valley Wildlife Area, Montague, CA
SLT had an amazing day on our joint trip with the Mt. Shasta Area Audubon Society in March at the Shasta Valley Wildlife Area in Montague. Steve and Debbie Huckabone were incredible trip leaders who enabled us to see close to 50 species including fantastic looks at a Great-horned owl, golden eagle, cinnamon teal, northern shovelers, sandhill cranes, and numerous other species of waterfowl, raptors and songbirds.
- Female Norther Harrier (G.Framel)
- Shasta Valley Wildlife Area Birding Trip – March 2025
- Red-tailed Hawk dive bombing a Golden Eagle! (G.Framel)
- Peregrine Falcon (G.Framel)
- Trout Lake – Shasta Valley Wildlife Area
- Golden Eagle
We love our supporters! We’re so glad you want to help.
There are so many ways to connect with Siskiyou Land Trust! We hope the information below will give you a perfect next step to join us in stewarding land in Siskiyou County.
Read on here for even more opportunities and ways you can support SLT.