Supporters who choose to donate a steady amount on a regular basis are the foundation of our organization.
Regular, reliable support makes it possible to budget and plan and do the work that we do. Whether it’s a couple dollars each month or $1000 every year, this is support that Siskiyou Land Trust can rely on.
Scheduled donations add up in a big way. It allows us to dream big, and to accomplish those dreams. We can imagine expanding capacity with new staff who can take on our many inquiries and possible projects. We can set a goal to increase the acres we have placed under permanent, protection and see this goal met and exceeded year by year. Steady support makes a tremendous impact on what we can achieve.
“Giving through the monthly donor program feels like giving to family. My many Siskiyou Land Trust friends are a major part of my community family! What can be better than to preserve the local bounty that sustains us all? In Wallace Stegner’s words, this is our geography of hope.” – Mary Marcina

We hope you’ll become one of our Celebrated Scheduled Donors
At the beginning of 2022, we have 40 amazing scheduled supporters who have chosen to make their donation on a monthly or annual schedule. We appreciate them so much, and we hope you can join them! If it is possible for you in these challenging times, please click Donate and set your own amount. Become one of the bedrock solid supporters creating a financial foundation for the work of Siskiyou Land Trust.
Giving regularly to Siskiyou Land Trust supports a wonderful grass-roots organization that protects and sustains the open spaces we love in Siskiyou County. The privilege of living in an area of such natural beauty goes hand in hand with a sense of responsibility to care for and to maintain this beauty for future generations. – Marty Sochet and Carol Jenkins (and Bennett the doodle-dog)
Scheduling your support is really easy.
Choose your own donation level on our Secure Donation page, whatever works with your budget. There’s a few standard amounts available, or just click Other and fill in what you want. Then choose either Monthly or Annual. You will be able discontinue your schedule at any time, or change the level of your donation. Your donations are tax deductible, and we’ll send a receipt at the beginning of each year for your tax purposes.
“We love that Siskiyou Land Trust preserves and protects land and wild places, which in turn supports local landowners, the community and the environment. In a world where there is so much conflict, it feels great to be involved in something that is so positive. For many years we were part of the GardenShare group, and that has evolved into the beautiful and productive garden area where kids from the Boys and Girls Club get to experience the joy of growing their own food. There are so many great SLT projects! We want to do all we can to ensure that SLT will remain a vital and vibrant organization, and trust that our monthly donation helps. “Reoccurring donations” are painless and simple to set up. We highly recommend it!” – Bayla Greenspoon and Raven Stevens

Thank you to all SLT Supporters!
Whether you make a scheduled donation, support SLT during Giving Tuesday, or donate to special projects at other times through the year (or, yay… all of the above), we appreciate you so much. With your support, Siskiyou Land Trust is able to take on larger projects, protect major headwaters regions, vast wildlife habitat, and access to the wilderness and preserve our wonderful rural community values. Your contributions help us tremendously, and it is fair to say that we simply could not exist without your generosity.
“When I think about Siskiyou Land Trust, what comes to mind is an inspiring group of folks who really walk their talk, who care about our local natural environment and those of us who live in it. As a volunteer with SLT, I have learned a lot about how progress can be made through collaboration and a positive attitude. I feel good being a monthly donor, that in my own small way I am helping to keep SLT financially sustainable. Cheers and many thanks to the staff, board and all the volunteers and donors through the years!” – Katie LeBaron